
Fresh apple cider

Hello everyone.  Showcasing some items from Salem. If you’re not familiar with this event, it’s produced by Prism Events, and it is an annual event.  It showcases a bit of the autumn season and Halloween themed goods during this part of the year.  It runs only from 29th Sept. to 31st Oct.

Fencing set is by Apple Fall and available at the main store.  The apple cider set by Hive should be at the main store now or will be soon.

Have a great rest of the day!

*Hartley Fencing by Apple Fall

*Zman Fall Bench (Light) /w pump by .peaches. @ Salem
*Zman Fall Bench – Pumpkin Cluster by .peaches. @ Salem

*Marie Haybales (Adult) by {moss&mink}Salem
{moss&mink} Dazzle Pumpkin (Cluster)
{moss&mink} Dazzle Pumpkin (Single)

*Dead & Breakfast Sign. No Vacancy. by Granola @ Salem

*Apple Cider Set by Hive 
hive // multi level wooden table
hive // empty copper mug
hive // jar of cinnamon
hive // stacked copper mugs
hive // apple cider drink dispenser
hive // apple basket
hive // empty apple basket
hive // multi level wooden table
hive // apple cider mug
hive // pair of apples
hive // turned over wooden crate

Hillside Orchard by JIAN
Jian Hillside Orchard :: Apple Tree (High LOD)
Jian Hillside Orchard :: Ladder (Sit on me!)
Jian Hillside Orchard :: Apple Bucket (Full)
Jian Hillside Orchard :: Apple Bucket (Empty)
Jian Hillside Orchard :: Apple Bucket (Spilled)

*AF* Gathering 13 – Pumpkin Pie
Dunn Barn Conversion v1.06 by llorisen
Old Tractor . Brick by Hive
Sweet Garden Grass08 by Happy Mood

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